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Death Penalty in the News
January 24, 2008 – FLORIDA TODAY – State justices reject Schwab appeal
January 23, 2008 – COLUMBIA SPECTATOR – Physicians Shouldn’t Be Involved in Executions
January 23, 2008 – NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE – Physicians and Execution
January 20, 2008 – Ft WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM – Less money, more pain and injustice
January 18, 2008 – USA TODAY – Fla. mulls payments for wrongful imprisonments
Former FSP Warden Speaks Out
Why Should Floridians Support Alternatives?
Many Floridians who now oppose the death penalty used to be supporters of the idea that execution is the necessary community response to the crime of murder. What changed their minds? Everyone has their own reason, but for most former supporters of the death penalty, it comes down to a simple issue of fairness.
Everyone should be concerned at the fact that what determines who gets sentenced to death, and eventually exterminated, has more to do with race, politics, geography and money, but NOT the severity of the crime. The following examines some of the issues which have led people to believe that, even if they still like the concept of the death penalty, they can no longer support it in practice. When you boil it all down, the sad fact is that the death penalty is a bad public policy on moral, economic, and social grounds.
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