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Affidavit of Peggy A. Dollinger
State of Florida
County of ST. JOHNS
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Peggy A. Dollinger, who, after first being duly sworn, deposes and says:
- I served as a juror throughout the trial and deliberations in the case of William Thomas Zeigler in 1976.
- I have maintained an interest in this case and have made a personal effort to remain informed about developments in this case.
- I am now aware of the following items of evidence which have come to light since the time of the trial:
- A report of an examination of the pants of Edward Williams for traces of gunpowder and/or metal residues. (Exhibit A)
- The prospective testimony of Jim Jellison, an eyewitness to events outside the Zeigler Furniture Store on the night of the murders. (Exhibit B)
- The prospective testimony of Linda Roach and Kenneth Roach, eye witnesses to events outside the Zeigler Furniture Store on the night of the murders. (Exhibit C)
- The three real estate documents from the public records showing a relationship among the states key witness and its principal corroborating witness. (Exhibit D)
- The DNA test report showing that the type A blood stains tested on Zeiglers shirt are not the blood of Perry Edwards, and the type A bloodstains tested on the pants of Charlie Mays are most likely the blood of Perry Edwards (Exhibit E)
- The original police report prepared by Oakland Police Chief Robert Thompson in which he describes Zeiglers wounds as not bleeding and covered in dried blood. (Exhibit F)
- None of this evidence was presented to the jury at the trial. If this evidence had been presented to us, I would have voted not guilty and the verdict would have been changed.
COUNTY OF ST. JOHNSSWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this ____ day of February, 2003 by Peggy A. Dollinger, who (check one) [ ]is personally known to me, [ ] produced a drivers license (issued by a state of the United States within the last five (5) years) as identification, or [ ] produced other identification, to wit: __________________________________.
Print Name:________________________
Notary Public State of Florida
Commission No.:____________________
My Commission Expires:
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
PMB 335
2603 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hwy
Gainesville, FL 32609
(800) 973-6548
[email protected]
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