Florida continues the premeditated and unnecessary killing of well-secured captive prisoners. Richard Lynn Scott has already overseen the killing of 24 incarcerated people. Gov. Scott ordered the People of the State of Florida to kill Michael Lambrix on Thursday, October 5th, at 6pm ET, for being convicted of killing Clarence Moore, Jr and Aleisha Bryant 30 years ago. The jury vote to recommend death in both cases was not unanimous. This non-unanimous sentencing scheme was recently ruled unconstitutional.
This would be homicide number 25 ordered by our Governor and a new record for a Florida governor in modern times. (note – the Death Certificates of executed Floridians list “Homicide” as the manner of death).
Please contact Gov. Scott and ask him to halt ALL executions. It is within his power to do so:
Governor Rick Scott:
Phone: (850) 488-7146
Email: [email protected]
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty and our allies call for simultaneous execution vigils/protests across the state at the time of executions. Each vigil group in Florida is independent and establishes its activities according to the needs, strategies and resources of its members. ALL are welcome to participate at ANY protest and vigil. If you do not see your area listed or would like to organize a local action, please contact FADP at 727-215-9646 or [email protected]. This page lists of some Florida actions beginning with bus and carpools.
Choose one, or all three if you can!
- Write letters and call Governor Rick Scott. Ask Gov. Scott to suspend ALL executions to conduct a thorough, balanced, and public investigation into Florida’s hugely-expensive government program for the Death Penalty that has wrongfully convicted and sentenced more innocent people to death than any other state.
- Sign up to receive future action alerts and news from Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) at https://www.fadp.org/subscribe/
- Forward this action to a friend (or five!) and have them contact Governor Scott too!
Note: Since execution dates often change, please check the media for updates or feel free to communicate with the vigil/protest contacts listed.
DAYTONA BEACH/ORMOND BEACH/PALM COAST: Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church: Governor Rick Scott has scheduled the execution of Michael Lambrix to take place on Thursday, Oct. 5th at 6pm. On Thursday, Oct. 5, we will be traveling to Starke to pray for Mike Lambrix and victims Clarence Moore, Jr and Aleisha Bryant. Our bus leaves at 2:30PM. Our prayerful presence makes the statement that all killing is wrong and the State of Florida does not kill in our name. We encourage all, no matter their personal feelings about capital punishment, to join us as believers in the sanctity of all life. If you would like to join us, please call the parish office 386.255.0433 or Contact: Office of Advocacy and Justice, (407) 246-4819, [email protected] pack a snack.
2:30 PM – Bus leaves parking lot Our Lady of Lourdes, 201 University Blvd, Daytona Beach.
3:00 PM – Bus Pick up at Destination Daytona, 1635 U.S. Highway 1, Ormond Beach.
3:30 PM – Bus Pick up at Winn Dixie on SR 100 in Palm Coast, just off of I95
GAINESVILLE: CARPOOL TO PRISON VIGIL – Gainesville Citizens for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. Michael Lambrix is scheduled to be executed at 6:00 PM Thursday Oct. 5. Please join others in witnessing to our opposition to state sanctioned murder. The vigil/protest includes a short prayer service & the tolling of a bell to mark the execution hour, a bell that is heard on Death Row so the other inmates know we are there to say “Not In Our Name.”
CARPOOL INFO: We will leave at 4:30 pm, from Gainesville from the parking lot of the Emmanuel Mennonite Meeting House, 1236 NW 18th Ave. For info call Miriam Elliott, 352-278-4342[email protected].
Return time is uncertain as executions are often delayed. If it goes on schedule the carpool can leave around 6:30 & be back in Gainesville by 7:15. Otherwise, the riders will stay at the prison until there is news of the execution or a stay OR the riders can decide to return prior to the conclusion of events. The organized vigil activity concludes around 6:30pm. IN THE EVENT OF A STAY WE WILL NOT GATHER AT THE PRISON.
FLORIDA STATE PRISON: HERMAN LINDSEY, Florida’s 23rd Death Row Survivor and member of Witness to Innocence will join volunteers from around the state during the execution, across the highway from the Florida State Prison Death Chamber from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Mark Elliott at (727) 215-9646 or Miriam Elliott, 352-278-4342, [email protected].
Gather ACROSS from Florida State Prison starting by 5:00pm. Please bring signs if you have them.
DIRECTIONS to the Vigil/Protest across highway 16 from Florida State Prison:
—From East: SR-16, 8 miles West of Starke, go right (east) into entrance for New River Correctional Institution. FSP staff will direct you to vigil parking.
—From North: (Macclenny) SR-121 south approximately 17 miles to SR-16 (before town of Raiford). Turn left onto SR-16. Go approximately 3 miles, cross New River Bridge. Turn left (east) into New River Correctional Institution. FSP staff will direct you to vigil parking.
—From South: US-301 north approximately 35 miles north of Gainesville to Starke. Turn left (west) onto SR-16 (Raiford Road), go approximately 8 miles. Turn right (east) into New River Correctional Institution. FSP staff will direct you to vigil parking.
—From West (Lake City): SR-100 approximately 23 miles to SR-121 (Lake Butler), turn left, go approximately 6 miles, just past town of Raiford, turn right (east) onto SR-16. Go approximately 3 miles, cross New River Bridge. Turn left (east) into New River Correctional Institution.
NOTES from FADP: Local speed limits strictly enforced. Florida State Prison is on the West side of the road. The designated protest area is on the East side of the road, with the entry road being opposite of the main entry to FSP and designated “New River Correctional Institution”
BATHROOMS: Bathroom is located at SE corner of red brick building.
SIGNS: We are unaware of any restrictions on the nature of signs. FADP recommends clear and concise messages, printed boldly, with high contrast between the text and the background. FADP will have some signs available.
ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS: Wear closed shoes and socks to protect yourself from the occasional presence of fire ants. Sun protection is advised.
ALSO: Especially with high profile state killings, airport rules apply – be aware of what you bring and carry, and of your demeanor, and stay within the designated protest area or between that area and the adjacent parking area. You may wish to bring umbrellas (for sun or rain) and bottled water. FADP will help.
BRADENTON: St. Joseph Eucharistic Adoration chapel, 3000 26th St. West, Bradenton, October 5, 5:30 p.m. Additional Contact: Jeanne Berdeaux, (941) 441-1101 or [email protected].
CAPE CORAL: A prayer vigil will be held in the Chapel at St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, 1922 SW 20th Avenue, Cape Coral on Thursday, October 5 at 6:00 pm Contact: Maria, (239) 540-7096, [email protected]. Additional Contact: Jeanne Berdeaux, (941) 441-1101 or [email protected]
CAPE CORAL: St. Andrew Catholic Church, 2628 Del Prado Blvd. South, Cape Coral, Friday, October 6, 2:30pm Holy Hour for Life followed by prayers and Eucharistic adoration until 5:00 p.m. Contact: Jeanne Berdeaux, (941) 441-1101 or [email protected]
COCOA BEACH: Church of Our Savior, 5301 N. Atlantic Avenue, Cocoa Beach, Thursday, October 5, 5:30 p.m. Contact Deborah Shearer, [email protected]. (407) 658-1818.
DUVAL COUNTY (Jacksonville): In front of the new Duval County Unified Courthouse located at 501 W. Adams Street, Jacksonville. Time: 5:00 – 6:00 pm on Thursday, October 5. Signs provided or bring your own. For more information, contact Jackie Gunning at (904) 449-3328 or [email protected]. Additional info Kathleen Bagg Office of Communications, Diocese of St. Augustine (904) 262-3200.
FLAGLER COUNTY (Bunnell): In front of the Flagler County Courthouse. 5:00-6:00 pm on Thursday, October 5, during the scheduled execution of Mike Lambrix. Join us at the Courthouse on 1769 E. Moody Blvd, Bunnell. For information please contact Don Gregg, 386-445-9637, [email protected] Additional info Kathleen Bagg Office of Communications, Diocese of St. Augustine (904) 262-3200
FT. WALTON BEACH: A holy hour will be held at St. Mary Catholic Church, 110 St. Mary Avenue SW, Fort Walton Beach, on Wednesday, October 4 at 6:00 p.m. (CDT). Contact (850) 243-3742. Additional Contact: Deacon Ray Aguado, Office of Advocacy and Justice, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, (850) 435-3531, [email protected].
GAINESVILLE: Gainesville Citizens for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (GCADP) carpool, Emmanuel Mennonite Church, 1236 NW 18th Ave, Gainesville, Thursday, October 5 at 4:30 p.m. to attend the prayer service at Florida State Prison near Starke. Contact: Miriam Elliott, [email protected]. (352) 278-4342
INVERNESS: Our Lady of Fatima Parish, 550 U.S. Hwy 41 South, Inverness, FL Thursday, October 5, 5:30 p.m. Contact: Sabrina Burton Schultz, Diocese of St. Petersburg, (727) 344-1611, [email protected]
KEY WEST: Death Penalty Vigil/Protest: Thursday, October 5 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm in Key West on the corner of Whitehead and Fleming Streets in front of the Courthouse. Please contact Patrice Schwermer, Catholic Charities, Monroe Ministries for more information (305) 807-4503 [email protected] or Pat Erickson at [email protected].
LEHIGH ACRES: St. Raphael Chapel, 2415 Lee Blvd, Lehigh Acres, Thursday, October 5, at 6:00 p.m. Contact: Jeanne Berdeaux (947) 441-1101, [email protected].
MIAMI: St. Dismas Outreach Center at St. Robert Bellarmine Mission, 2640 NW 34th Street, Miami, Wednesday, October 4, 7 p.m.
MIAMI: Radio Paz 830AM, FE Y ESPERANZA program of the Detention Ministry, Wednesday, October 4, on air 2-3 p.m.
MIAMI SHORES: A prayer vigil will be held following 11:45 a.m. Mass on Thursday, October 4, at St. Martha Catholic Church, 9401 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami Shores. Contact: Juan Di Prado, (305) 762-1046, [email protected].
MOUNT DORA: St. Patrick Catholic Church, 6803 Old Hwy 441 South, Mt. Dora on Wednesday, will host a prayer service on Wednesday, October 4 at 11:00 a.m. Contact: Bernard Welch, [email protected].
NORTH PORT: San Pedro Parish Chapel, 14380 Tamiami Trail, will hold a prayer vigil on Thursday, October 5 at 5:30pm. Contact: Jeanne Berdeaux (947) 441-1101, [email protected].
NORTH PORT: St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, 2500 Easy St., Port Charlotte, Thursday, October 5 @ 5:45 p.m. Contact: Jeanne Berdeaux (947) 441-1101 [email protected].
PALM BEACH GARDENS: Catholic Charities Respect Life Office in partnership with the Diocese of Palm Beach and Pax Christi will host a prayer service on Thursday, October 5, from 5:30 p.m. at the chapel in the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, 9999 N. Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens. The service will be followed by a procession and silent vigil in front of the Cathedral. Contact: Dianne Laubert, (561) 313-2280, [email protected].
PANAMA CITY: A holy hour will be held at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 1008 Fortune Avenue, Panama City on Wednesday, October 4, 5:30 p.m. (CST). Contact: (850) 763-1821, [email protected]. Additional Contact: Deacon Ray Aguado, Office of Advocacy and Justice, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, (850) 435-3531, [email protected].
PENSACOLA: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 10650 Gulf Beach Hwy, Pensacola. Sunday, Wednesday, October 4 at 7:30p.m. Contact (850) 492-0837. Additional Contact: Deacon Ray Aguado, Office of Advocacy and Justice, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, (850) 435-3531, [email protected].
PENSACOLA: Episcopal Peace Fellowship. (Location TBD). Thursday, October 5 at 5:50PM. Prayers for Mike Lambrix and murder victims at the time of his execution. Contact Bill Sloan: [email protected]
PINELLAS COUNTY: Pinellas anti-death penalty demonstration: Pax Christi Tampa Bay, Peace First, Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty and other death penalty opponents will gather from 5:00-6:00 PM on Thursday, October 5 at an anti-death penalty demonstration at the intersection of Ulmerton Road and 49th Street N. in mid-Pinellas County (map). Park in the lot behind Checkers and the bank on the northwest corner of the intersection. Signs and banners will be provided, or you can bring your own. Since execution dates often change, please check the media for updates and changes. The demonstration occurs during the execution; if the execution is re-scheduled, the demonstration will be rescheduled. FMI: [email protected] or (727) 492-1590.
POMPANO BEACH: St. Dismas Outreach Center, at St. Joseph Haitian Mission 1210 NW 6th Avenue, Pompano Beach, Wednesday, October 4 at 7 p.m.
ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH: A Vigil will be held on Thursday, October 5 at 5:15-6:15pm in front of the St. Augustine Beach City Hall (corner of 16th St. and A1A South) to mark the execution of Mike Lambrix. Signs provided, or make your own. Please come and help us build the movement by inviting some friends to come with you. Vigils like ours are being held all over the state and are an important tool for raising consciousness of the need for reform. FMI: Nancy O’Byrne [email protected] (904) 461-9216 or Jo Anne Engelbert 904-460-1190
SARASOTA: Manasota demonstration against the death penalty: A witness against the death penalty prayer vigil will take place on Thursday, October 5. The witness begins at 5:30 PM with a silent protest with signs on the front lawn of St. Andrew United Church of Christ, 6908 S Beneva Rd., just north of Gulf Gate Drive in Sarasota (map). The Prayer Service follows in the church at 6:00 PM. Sponsored by Pax Christi USA – Manasota Chapter. FMI: [email protected]
SEBRING: St. Catherine Church, 820 Hickory St., Sebring, Thursday, October 5 at 5:00 p.m. Additional Contact: Jeanne Berdeaux, (941) 441-1101 or [email protected]
TALLAHASSEE: Good Shepherd Church. The execution of Michael Lambrix scheduled for October 5. The Mercy & Justice Core Community will hold a prayer service at 9:45am on October 5 in the Good Shepherd sanctuary. All are invited to pray for Michael Lambrix, victims Clarence Moore, Jr and Aleisha Bryant, their families, and an end to the death penalty. FMI: Suzanne Printy, Coordinator, Mercy & Justice Core Community [email protected]. Additional Contact: Deacon Ray Aguado, Office of Advocacy and Justice, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, (850) 435-3531, [email protected].
TALLAHASSEE: Michael Lambrix is scheduled to be executed at 6 pm on Thursday, October 5. There will be a vigil on that day at 6 pm in front of the Governor’s Mansion. Please join us and help let the Governor know we don’t agree with this barbaric policy. Contact Sheila Meehan, (850) 524-0080. [email protected]. FMI: tcadp.net.
TALLAHASSEE: If there is no stay, there will be a Service of Remembrance on Friday, October 6 at 12 noon at the Capitol Building Plaza Level Rotunda for Michael Lambrix and victims Clarence Moore, Jr and Aleisha Bryant. All are welcome and encouraged to attend both events. Contact: Sheila Meehan, (850) 524-0080. [email protected]. FMI: tcadp.net.
TAMPA BAY AREA: Spirit FM 90.5 WBVM Tampa will be praying on air Thursday, October 5, beginning at 5:50 pm. Spirit FM is also available on the internet (www.spiritfm905.com). Contact: Sabrina Burton Schultz, (727) 344-1611, [email protected].