Dear DPF Supporters,
Please join with us and Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty in asking the Florida Board of Executive Clemency and Gov. Ron DeSantis to stay Don Dillbeck’s execution and commute his sentence to life without parole.
There are so many reasons Donald shouldn’t be killed. Chief among them is that four members of his original death penalty jury voted for a life sentence instead of death. No other state in the country would give a person a death sentence with four opposing jurors.
Those four jurors heard the evidence that Donald had severe and permanent brain damage from prenatal alcohol exposure and, from a young age, suffered horrific physical and sexual abuse at the hands of his mother, who had alcoholism.
Donald is no longer the person he was when he committed his crime in 1990. He has found peace through prayer and meditation, has made meaningful friendships with people in and outside prison, and has had no violent incidents in his 30 years on death row.
Executing Donald won’t make anyone any safer. But it will be another terrible miscarriage of justice to kill a man whose jury split 8 -4 for a death sentence, and a judge sentenced him to death.
Please sign FADP’s petition here, and ask the Board of Executive Clemency and Gov. DeSantis to do the right thing and commute Donald’s sentence.
Thank you.
The Death Penalty Focus Team