Help us meet our faith community fundraising goal of $30,000 today so that together, we can end the death penalty, redefine justice, and bring healing to our state.
For Individual gifts, make a secure, online, and tax-deductible gift to FADP today via PayPal.
For Congregational gifts, please fill out this pledge form.
Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (FADP) is a Fiscally Sponsored Project of The Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy (FCFEP), a 501(c)(3) organization.
Donation checks should be made out to FCFEP with “for FADP” in the memo line and mailed to:
579 E. Call St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
If you have any questions please call (727) 215-9646
Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. (EIN: 51-0549880).
Your gift will save lives, advance human rights, and redefine justice so that healing – not extreme punishments – is at the center of the justice system.