Michael Zack is scheduled to be executed in Florida tomorrow, October 3, at 6 pm ET. If the execution proceeds, Zack will be Florida’s sixth state-sanctioned murder in only 222 days. There is still time to take action for Zack. Click here to add your name to the list of nearly 4,000 people urging Governor DeSantis and the Florida Board of Executive Clemency to stay Zack’s execution and grant clemency. If you are a Faith Leader, please add your name to this letter urging the same.
On September 29, the Sun Sentinel Editorial Board published an article about Zack’s pending execution and his legal claims. The article notes that “[a] fair interpretation of evolving standards of decency would outlaw the death penalty under most, if not all, cases.” Still, Florida Courts “have needed to invent a myriad of procedural technicalities,” to continue retaining the death penalty. The Editorial Board writes that “DeSantis and every Florida governor since 1983” has refused to exercise their clemency powers by commuting death sentences.
If tomorrow’s execution proceeds, join us across the state at one of our vigils and protests. For the latest update on Zack’s case, click here.