Join FADP and EJUSA this Saturday, March 31 in Tallahassee as we unite our voices and take action to end the death penalty in Florida. You’ll hear compelling stories from individuals directly impacted by Florida’s flawed death penalty system including Herman Lindsey, Florida’s 23rd exonerated Death Row Survivor and Andy and Kate Grosmaire, who through their faith, learned how to…
Saturday Event Update – Miami
We are happy to announce that Dr. Laura Finley, FADP Board Member, will join in the Saturday, January 13th event in Miami along with FADP Director, Mark Elliott. Please come and meet her. Laura Finley is Associate Professor of Sociology & Criminology at Barry University. She is author, co-author, or editor of twenty books and numerous book…
Launch of Florida Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty
On June 14, 2017 at a news conference in front of the Orange County Courthouse, FADP, in partnership with Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, announced the formation of a new project, Florida Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, a network of conservatives questioning the alignment of capital punishment with their conservative principles. The formation…